Future Conferences


Spring Conference – May 13-15
Hyatt Regency Salt Lake City - Salt Lake City, UT

Leadership Summit – July 14-16
Hyatt Regency - Huntington Beach, CA

Annual Conference – October 26-28
The Broadmoor - Colorado Springs, CO


Spring Conference – April 27-29
Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress - Orlando, FL

Leadership Summit – July 14-16
Grand Hyatt Deer Valley - Park City, UT

Annual Conference – November 3-5
The Manchester - San Diego, CA


Spring Conference – May 3-5
Grand Hyatt Nashville - Nashville, TN

Leadership Summit – TBD (Mid-July)

Annual Conference – October 25-27
Hyatt Regency - Chicago, IL


Spring Conference –May 8-10
Grand Hyatt San Antonio River Walk, San Antonio, TX

Leadership Summit – TBD (Mid-July)

Annual Conference – October 18-20
Hyatt Regency - Denver, CO

Suitcasing Policy

In order to protect our valued exhibitors and the investment they have made in attending the NAGGL event, any individual who is observed soliciting business in the aisles, any public space, in another company’s booth, or in violation of any portion of the Exhibition Policy, will be asked to leave immediately. Additional penalties may be applied. NAGGL recognizes that suitcasing may also take the form of commercial activity conducted from a hotel guest room or hospitality suite. Please report any violations you may observe to NAGGL staff immediately.